Jeffree Star Dogs Names 2019
Jeffree and his ex nathan made the announcement of diamond s passing in june 2019 which was incredibly sad. Jeffree star and nathan. Getting Ready To Crush The Week Mondaymood With Images Everyone knows jeffree star lives for his furry family. Jeffree star dogs names 2019 . Each dog s name begins with the letter d. Jeffree star cosmetics became a worldwide makeup brand and his success on youtube was just getting bigger. He also had daddy and diamond but they have sadly passed away. The youtuber has four pomeranian pups diva delicious drama and da vinci that he refers to as his children. Jeffree star cosmetics is an american cosmetics company founded by internet personality jeffree star. Names ages and everything you need to know about the youtuber s pomeranians. Jeffree star youtube channel dessert. The company is co owned by star and his business partner. Star claims to have invested his life savings to start the company s makeup line in 2014 with an initial thre...